《野地大胆王完整版》第5-8季纪录片解说素材百度云盘下载 1080P全60集中字 MP4/86.4G 仅限永久会员专享



狼叔荒野探险纪录片《野地大胆王完整版 Brave the Wild》第5-8季讲述纳撒尼尔·彼得森 (Nathanial Peterson),被粉丝称为“狼叔”。从童年起,动物就在他的生活中扮演着重要的角色。他对野生动物的痴迷和研究从未停止过,并把和它们的互动用视频的方式记录了下来。

他于 2014 年开设了自己的自媒体频道,并获得了艾美主持人奖,在他的《野地大胆王完整版》节目中每个部分都旨在关注不同的野生动物,还提供近距离和个人的动物的互动接触。他的节目向各个年龄段的观众提供狂野有趣的材料,鼓励他们到户外去了解自然,亲近野生动物。

《野地大胆王 Brave the Wild》第五季剧集目录

S05E01_Deadliest Spider Bite!
S05E02_Stung by a WHAT
S05E03_Dinosaur Catching with Coyote
S05E04_Don_t Wake the Wombat
S05E05_Swimming with Sea Turtles
S05E06_Winter Wilderness Adventure
S05E07_Saving Baby Turtles!
S05E08_Creature of the Swamp
S05E09_Bitten by a Giant Desert Centipede
S05E10_Prehistoric Bird Escapes Extinction!
S05E11_Petting Porcupinefish
S05E12_Night of the Hungry Hippos
S05E13_Rare Blue Frog Caught!
S05E14_Giant Turtle Face-Off
S05E15_Welcome to Jurassic Falls!

《野地大胆王 Brave the Wild》第六季剧集目录

S06E01_Coyote Catches
S06E02_Blue Tongue Skink!
S06E03_Ultimate Safari Adventure
S06E04_Battle of the Dung Beetles
S06E05_Acid Spraying Vinegaroon!
S06E06_Living Ball of Spikes
S06E07_Shark Attack
S06E08_Bite of the Lion King
S06E09_Turtle Rescue Mission
S06E10_The FBI_s Most Wanted Shipwreck
S06E11_You Should Know
S06E12_Photoshoot with Smiling Salamaders
S06E13_Outfoxing a Fox
S06E14_Giant Catfish Bite!
S06E15_Ouch! That Must Have Hurt

《野地大胆王 Brave the Wild》第七季目录

S07E01_Friendly or Ferocious
S07E02_Gar Wars
S07E03_Please Don_t Bite
S07E04_Do You Believe in Ghost Frogs
S07E05_Tiger Shark Face-off
S07E06_Feisty Baby Bear
S07E07_Double Trouble
S07E08_Getting Stung in Scorpion City
S07E09_Prey to the Sea Lamprey
S07E10_Feeding a Cheetah
S07E11_Hungry Like a Wolf
S07E12_Poisonous Frog Taste Test
S07E13_Deadliest Job in the World
S07E14_Murder Hornets Founds
S07E15_The Bite Heard Round the World

《野地大胆王 Brave the Wild》第八季剧集目录

S08E01_Human Hands vs_ Piranha
S08E02_Stung by a Cicada Killer
S08E03_Japan_s Monster Salamander
S08E04_Don_t Look Down
S08E05_Kill Zone with Great White Sharks
S08E06_Swimming with Gators
S08E07_Bear Encounter
S08E08_R U OK, Coyote
S08E09_A Rattlesnake_s Rattle
S08E10_Sting King of the Deep
S08E11_Double Jaw Eel
S08E12_Hands vs_ Hot Spring
S08E13_Super-Sized Snail
S08E14_Stung by an Executioner Wasp
S08E15_Surviving a Cage of Death


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