夜间应急救援纪录片《守夜人 Nightwatch》(又名:夜巡)本系列纪录片讲述那些在夜间保护新奥尔良市公民安全的警察、消防员和医护人员,他们牺牲了自己的宝贵时间一起应对夜晚的各种突发紧急的事件。
《守夜人》记录了新奥尔良急救人员敢于牺牲和英勇的工作状态,这座独特的城市充满了丰富的文化和充满活力的社区。强大的急救医疗队和紧急医疗救护人员团队在应对从医疗紧急情况到街头暴力再到自然灾害的各种情况时,接受了新的合作伙伴和角色。当城市的其他人都在睡觉时,NOEMS 的医务人员承担着痛苦的夜班工作,以确保新奥尔良居民和游客的安全。这些守夜人可能随时可能被召唤,冒着生命危险在最繁忙和最令人不安的轮班环境中工作,解决夜晚的危急事件。
拨打 911 意味着救护车将在几分钟内到达,对吧?但是,如果电话是从实际上被称为“边境”地区的乡村地区拨打的,会发生什么情况呢?还有暴风雪吗?首先,病人可能会被抬上雪橇。其次,医疗援助可能需要几分钟才能到达。一旦救护车到达,无论身在何处,对一些人来说,接下来的几分钟并不总是令人兴奋、超快节奏的体验。这些场景仅仅是开始:紧急医疗服务 (EMS) 从业者每天遇到的挑战可能会让那些通常在 EMS 领域之外生活和工作的人感到惊讶。急救人员和护理人员训练有素,他们的技能之一就是在瞬间做出现场决策。但是如果对现场安全有任何疑问,急救人员和护理人员会听取警方的指示。他们不被允许进入活跃的犯罪区域。在任何暴力事件中,受害者可能会很快失血过多,虽然我们希望急救人员尽快赶到现场,但我们必须等待直到现场安全为止。
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第一季目录
Nightwatch S01E01_Retaliation
Nightwatch S01E02_Those We Rely On
Nightwatch S01E03_Officer Down
Nightwatch S01E04_The Darkest Shift
Nightwatch S01E05_Their Worst Day
Nightwatch S01E06_Full Moon Rising
Nightwatch S01E07_100_, Every Time
Nightwatch S01E08_Caught You, By Surprise
Nightwatch S01E09_When Work Becomes Family
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第二季目录
Nightwatch S02E01_Mardi Gras
Nightwatch S02E02_In the Blink of an Eye
Nightwatch S02E03_Trust the Ones You_re With
Nightwatch S02E04_Fallen Brother
Nightwatch S02E05_Guardians of the City
Nightwatch S02E06_United We Stand
Nightwatch S02E07_Triumph and Tragedy
Nightwatch S02E08_Dark Side of the City
Nightwatch S02E09_Dreams and Nightmares
Nightwatch S02E10_Saints and Sinners
Nightwatch S02E11_Katrina
Nightwatch S02E12_Memorable Cases and Chases
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第三季目录
Nightwatch S03E01_New Beginnings
Nightwatch S03E02_Pride
Nightwatch S03E07_105 and Rising
Nightwatch S03E08_Stranger Things
Nightwatch S03E09_Brotherhood
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第四季目录
Nightwatch S04E01_Nightwatch_ Behind the Badge
Nightwatch S04E02_Life on the Line
Nightwatch S04E03_EMTs Bare All (Part 1)
Nightwatch S04E04_Family Ties
Nightwatch S04E05_EMTs Bare All (Part 2)
Nightwatch S04E06_Needle in a Haystack
Nightwatch S04E07_Dumb Luck
Nightwatch S04E08_Animal Instinct
Nightwatch S04E09_Always Remain Calm
Nightwatch S04E10_Freak Show
Nightwatch S04E11_Teenage Wasteland
Nightwatch S04E12_Tough Love
Nightwatch S04E13_Thin Blue Line
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第五季目录
Nightwatch S05E01_Answering the Call
Nightwatch S05E02_Night Lessons
Nightwatch S05E03_The Great Unknown
Nightwatch S05E04_A Light in the Darkness
Nightwatch S05E05_Heartbeat of the City
Nightwatch S05E06_Circle of Life
Nightwatch S05E07_The Fire Within
Nightwatch S05E08_Heart and Soul
Nightwatch S05E09_Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
Nightwatch S05E10_The Big Not-So-Easy
Nightwatch S05E11_Keep Calm and Carry On
Nightwatch S05E12_Drama Calls
Nightwatch S05E13_Return to the Big Easy
Nightwatch S05E14_Nightwatch_ City of Saints
《守夜人 Nightwatch》第六季目录
Nightwatch S06E01_Yardi Gras
Nightwatch S06E02_Man_s Best Friend
Nightwatch S06E03_Have Mercy
Nightwatch S06E04_In Sync
Nightwatch S06E05_A Walk on the Wild Side
Nightwatch S06E06_Every Breath You Take
Nightwatch S06E07_Lifeline
Nightwatch S06E08_Saturday Night Fever Dream
Nightwatch S06E09_Why We Serve
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