《风景如画》第1-4季纪录片解说素材百度云盘下载 1080P全36集中字 MP4/59.4G 仅限包年会员专享



艺术创作纪录片《风景如画》(又名:年度景观艺术家)在全国范围内寻找英国最佳景观绘画艺术家的活动。在每一集中,参赛者只有四个小时的时间来完成他们的绘画创作,临摹对象从英国历史悠久的古建筑到田园般的乡村场景和现代城市风光,获胜者将进入半决赛,然后进入决赛,获得最佳“年度景观艺术家”称号和10,000 英镑的奖金。

艺术家们总是带着铅笔、钢笔、画笔和蜡笔走出去!坐下来在户外绘画是一种非常放松的感觉,他们总是期待着天气晴朗时制作自己的绘画艺术品。《风景如画》纪录片中凯瑟琳·索里亚诺 (Kathleen Soriano) 是一位受人尊敬的英国艺术策展人、作家和电视广播员。她曾在一系列著名的艺术机构工作,包括皇家艺术学院和伦敦国家肖像画廊。她曾经是年度景观艺术家的冠军,并自此继续担任评委。

《风景如画 Landscape Artist of the Year》第一季目录

Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E01_Lyme Park
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E02_Trelissick
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E03_Waddesdon Manor
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E04_Lyme Park
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E05_Waddesdon Manor
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E06_Trelissick
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E07_Semi-Final
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E08_Final
Landscape Artist of the Year_S01E09_The Winner_s Film

《风景如画 Landscape Artist of the Year》第二季目录

Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E01_Scotney Castle
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E02_Wray Castle
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E03_Stowe
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E04_Scotney Castle
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E05_Wray Castle
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E06_Stowe
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E07_Margate Harbour
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E08_Loch Ness
Landscape Artist of the Year_S02E09_Petworth

《风景如画 Landscape Artist of the Year》第三季目录

Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E01_Knaresborough Castle Bowling Green
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E02_South Gare Steelworks
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E03_Rhossili Beach
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E04_Knaresborough Viaduct
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E05_Paddy_s Hole
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E06_Worm_s Head
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E07_Semi-FinalCastle Farm Lavender Farm
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E08_Winkworth Arboretum
Landscape Artist of the Year_S03E09_Winner_s Film

《风景如画 Landscape Artist of the Year》第四季目录

Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E01_Fountains Abbey
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E02_Viking Bay
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E03_Loch Fyne
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E04_Studley Royal Water Gardens
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E05_Broadstairs Beach
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E06_Inveraray Castle
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E07_Semi-Final_ Felixstowe Docks
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E08_Final_ Greenwich Park
Landscape Artist of the Year_S04E09_The Winning Commission


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