探索频道防盗技巧纪录片《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》第1-2季纪录片解说素材百度云盘下载 标清全80集中字 MP4/51G 仅限永久会员专享

探索频道防盗技巧纪录片《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》第1-2季纪录片


探索频道防盗技巧纪录片《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》(又名:盗亦有道)由两位改过自新的(前小偷)马特·约翰斯顿和乔恩·道格拉斯·雷尼主演并主持,他们痛改前非,公开展示了要他们的偷盗技能,引起大家的防范意识,同时揭露家庭防盗的安全缺陷。

《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》纪录片中经业主许可,两位主持人上演一场真正的入室盗窃案,受害者可以通过闭路电视观看现场直播或通过预先录制的视频回放观看。雷尼扮演窃贼的角色,计划并执行入室盗窃,而约翰斯顿则担任安全顾问,帮助业主攻防演练。盗窃案发生后,约翰斯顿和雷尼立即与居民会面,归还他们的赃物,并向他们解释他们做错了什么。然后,约翰斯顿组织了一次完整的防盗安全改造,并提供了额外的安全提示。几周后,约翰斯顿和雷尼回来并尝试再次闯入,以测试业主是否正确使用他们的新安全系统。尽管节目中的大多数盗窃案发生在郊区的住宅中,但一些地方,例如企业、大学宿舍,甚至警察局也遭到盗窃。

《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》第一季目录

It Takes a Thief S01E01_Bachelor Break-In
It Takes a Thief S01E02_Heist in the Suburbs
It Takes a Thief S01E03_Mom Knows Best
It Takes a Thief S01E04_City Slickers
It Takes a Thief S01E05_Pinching the Painter
It Takes a Thief S01E06_The Great Harley Heist
It Takes a Thief S01E07_Three Women and a Burglar
It Takes a Thief S01E08_Grand Theft Autos
It Takes a Thief S01E09_Reading, Writing and Robberies
It Takes a Thief S01E10_Like Mother, Like Daughter
It Takes a Thief S01E11_Desperate Housewife
It Takes a Thief S01E12_Little Women
It Takes a Thief S01E13_Something Old, Something New
It Takes a Thief S01E14_Thief and the Single Lady
It Takes a Thief S01E15_Big Burglar on Campus
It Takes a Thief S01E16_Diamond Dealer
It Takes a Thief S01E17_Haven in the Hood
It Takes a Thief S01E18_Shaking Up Southern Comfort
It Takes a Thief S01E19_Open House
It Takes a Thief S01E20_Cops and Robbers
It Takes a Thief S01E21_Special Assignment_ Brother
It Takes a Thief S01E22_Security He Said, She Said
It Takes a Thief S01E23_Daddy_s Little Girl
It Takes a Thief S01E24_Bed and Break-Ins
It Takes a Thief S01E25_Wine, Dine and Dash
It Takes a Thief S01E26_Unlocking the Past
It Takes a Thief S01E27_Collecting Bad Habits
It Takes a Thief S01E28_Inherited Fortune
It Takes a Thief S01E29_And Burglar Makes Four
It Takes a Thief S01E30_Nighttime Is the Right Time
It Takes a Thief S01E31_Party Crashers
It Takes a Thief S01E32_Good Cop, Bad Cop
It Takes a Thief S01E33_Mi Casa Es Su Casa
It Takes a Thief S01E34_Leave It to Grandma
It Takes a Thief S01E35_Big Apple Break In
It Takes a Thief S01E36_A Silent Robbery
It Takes a Thief S01E37_Shape Up or Ship Out
It Takes a Thief S01E38_Car Repair or Robbery
It Takes a Thief S01E39_Jonny_s Angels
It Takes a Thief S01E40_Theft on the Water

《贼喊捉贼 It Takes a Thief》第二季目录

It Takes a Thief S02E01_Thrashin_ and Trashin_
It Takes a Thief S02E02_Station Break
It Takes a Thief S02E03_Mayhem for the Moms
It Takes a Thief S02E04_Skating Away With Goods
It Takes a Thief S02E05_See No Evil
It Takes a Thief S02E06_Security Wild
It Takes a Thief S02E07_Par for the Course
It Takes a Thief S02E08_Girls Day Out
It Takes a Thief S02E09_Commuter Chaos
It Takes a Thief S02E10_Hectic House
It Takes a Thief S02E11_Crime Fighting Duo
It Takes a Thief S02E12_Bar Crawl
It Takes a Thief S02E13_Crookin_ in the Dark
It Takes a Thief S02E14_Generation Gap
It Takes a Thief S02E15_Party Time
It Takes a Thief S02E16_Dream Come True
It Takes a Thief S02E17_I Love New York
It Takes a Thief S02E18_Bed and Breakfast Break-in
It Takes a Thief S02E19_High Seas
It Takes a Thief S02E20_McMansion
It Takes a Thief S02E21_Diamond in the Rough
It Takes a Thief S02E22_Security Sisters
It Takes a Thief S02E23_Solid Gold
It Takes a Thief S02E24_Vacation Time
It Takes a Thief S02E25_Play Date
It Takes a Thief S02E26_Home Alone
It Takes a Thief S02E27_Beach Hamlet Heist
It Takes a Thief S02E28_Now You See It, Now You Don_t
It Takes a Thief S02E29_Swamp Thing
It Takes a Thief S02E30_Monster Movies
It Takes a Thief S02E31_Speed Demons
It Takes a Thief S02E32_Empty Nest
It Takes a Thief S02E33_Dog Town and Thief Boys
It Takes a Thief S02E34_Ambush Makeover
It Takes a Thief S02E35_Safe Haven
It Takes a Thief S02E36_Reversal of Fortune
It Takes a Thief S02E37_Gone in 60 Seconds
It Takes a Thief S02E38_Peeping Jon
It Takes a Thief S02E39_Who Done It
It Takes a Thief S02E40_Ladies of the Lake


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